2021 Serb Fest Sponsorship Dinner

Last weekend Serb Fest sponsorship dinner took place. As always, Robert Milic hosted the event. Small business owners from all lines of work joined forces to help us kick off the start of the 2021 Serb Fest. 

We would love to thank all of the business owners who took part in Saturday’s Sponsorship Dinner and help us fundraise the funds needed to continue on our journey. 

Please visit our sponsorship page here, and support these local businesses whose owners so humbly support our community. 

Special thanks go to our general sponsor Matija Stancev and Bogdan Popovic with Marbar Logistic

Meet Matt and Bogie:

Marbar Logistics, all the way from Serbia, two young men decided to set foot on the road and risk everything to try and gain everything. Without an idea of what is waiting for them in the unknown, they kept the faith and never stopped working the hardest they could. Shortly light shined upon them. 

Just when Matt was starting his Trucking career, Bogie was assigned to be his mentor. Mentorship after a while transformed into friendship which became, now known, Marbar Logistics. 

Marbar is established by two former truck drivers, which gives us insight, first hand what business looks like. Perks are there, but so are the difficulties of a job. That’s where we step in, we want to change the game of trucking, making every single present or future driver satisfied with their career choice. 

And that is why we give our best to our drivers and customers.

